Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Headache in Hanoi

No no no, it's not a bad thing and it's not from the alcohol, it's just the mopeds...man, they are non-stop with those horns! Horns are life-savers though, as crossing the street here is an adventure in it's own right. Just look straight ahead and don't walk too fast so they can dodge you. "Hello, moto" is something you get used to saying no to every 5 minutes. All in good fun though. The pedal cabs for two are more fun as the motos and cars zoom by you. Classic. We saw some city sights today, creepiest was where Uncle Ho (what Ho Chi Minh is affectionately called around here) is laying dead for all to see. We're staying in the old quarter which has shops, restaurants (well, if you call squatting at a table made for a 2 year old on the sidewalk a restaurant;)...great food tho) and bars galore. Briana almost bought a copy of a Diesel jacket...but $4 was too rich for her tastes;). Off to Halong Bay for an overnight all-inclusive boat tour. It'll be good to be back towards the water...pics to come! Cheers, B+C


  1. I'll take 2400 diesel coats. please send asap

  2. Can't wait to see pictures. Friends warned me about crossing the streets in Hanoi. You can't stop or you will surely be hit. Clear and cold in Sac....40s reaching highs in the low 50s. Snow in Tahoe. Dad sleeping on couch after hard battle on Call of Duty, World at War. Much love, Mom

  3. Eat the street food, don't drink the water.

  4. im still waiting on a pic of you guys with uncle ho....

  5. Love the pics! Brad and Niko here for a visit. Both doing well but we're sure Niko is thinking "Where the hell is Cbo?" Should be 80 in San Diego this weekend...Go Chargers!
