welcome back, it's 3 posts at a time these days...
so, on our trusty new rental moto, which was manual this time, but no worries, the man in this duo manned up and dominated that manual, we headed towards Ca Na beach...just 30km south. 30km doesn't sound far, but when you can only go 50km/h on the moto (yeah, we're bad-ass and did 60+/-), it takes awhile. in such small towns, directions aren't that difficult, head mostly south, you'll get close to wear you're going. so with no wrong turns, we were in Ca Na quickly. The terrian in southern coastal vietnam is very very bajaesque...short hills, lots of dirt, tons of boulders large and small...and coastline galore. now if there were pointbreaks around every turn, vietnam would be a cool surf destination! but there isn't, so we found an isolated, granite boulder covered beach to lounge on, and kicked back for awhile. not too long tho, as the man was ready again to mount his two wheeled pony and head back on the open road. now that we're experienced vietnam moto heads, 5 ton buses passing us 4' to our left is nothing, nor is going 4 wide on main street phan rang! at the stoplights, we no longer get passed up as everyone punches it for the green, we're rocking from first to second with the best of them! on the way back from ca na beach, we thought it would be fun to try to find these cham towers that the bible (Lonely Planet - Vietnam) said that half the fun is trying to find them. sure enough, only one wrong turn, and 10km off the highway later, we arrived! they were gorgeous, lonely at the top of a hill. some kids were playing soccer in the parking lot and all said, "hello! what is your name?" we later learned, when different kids at the top of the hill asked the same question, that this must be what they teach around here in english 101. good on them though, they all spoke those 5 words perfectly. after some fun with cool local kids and cham towers, we bolted back trying to beat the sunset back to phan rang. after feeling like celebrities for the last 24 hours (i thought due to our gorgeous looks, but briana thinks it's b/c we're white and not 5'0";) it continued when we moto'd back into downtown phan rang looking for something other than vietnamese for dinner. when we stopped at a market to ask the bible for directions, we were surrounded by more "hello, what is your name?" which was great, until some old guy came over and wanted to repeatedly shake our hands. hey, i'll shake most folks hands once or twice, but 4 times? come on, that's just creepy! no western food to be found, we're back at Thai Binh resort with some Saigon bia. all the best readers, love you long time!
Glad to see the helmets. Not sure what you guys were eating on the bbq I hope it was dead.
ReplyDeleteBri you're pretty brave wearing a skirt with crazed monkeys on the prowl. O.K. who won the miss world competition, she looks familiar.