it's a gorgeous city, made even more so by this crew

traded boards with Brad to get a different feeling, his Channel Islands fish has a bit too much length and thickness, and tracked a bit, but screamed down the line

Brad caught a few on my KG 5'10", his big butt is looking to pull into a closeout barrel here

Brad, back on his board, dropping in

there were a few set waves that crept into the 4' range, unfortunately they came in a bit straight and the tide was too low to let any of these closeouts have a shoulder

goin' up for a top turn on this closeout section

bottom turn setting up for the closeout barrel. i remember grabbing my outside rail while pulling in on this lil' one

going to put it up top again on the section brad made crumble over

took the boys out to the lighthouse above Palm Beach

it's been a gorgeous winter

after driving around the northern beaches for a bit, we finally found waves at Avalon, check out this screamer!
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