country road bring me home!

the aussie bush...fun 'til a large critter says hello a bit too close...if only we had our camera when we saw an iguana the size of my arm (yeah, it was huge!;))


sand impressions, probably a good print eh?

some say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line...and some say the road less travelled...

country towns, a little surf, sign me up in 20 years!

aaawwwwwww yeah outlander, let's get this mini-beast sandy! ok, but seriously, on the way back, we (i) got stuck, bri swapped to driving, i pushed, we were out in 2...good times! and people we're having a laugh at our trials...at least we got out before the rangers came and noticed our lack of beach driving sticker

just around a bit south from crescent head...miles and miles, excuse me, km's and km's of emptiness

how cool is this track to the beach...nothing like home.

good times, minus the high school kids that came out on our last night there and partied and kept the whole campsite up til late....damn kids;)

it's a long walk to the other end...game on!
Crowdy is probably the last word we'd use...isolated is more like it. About 4-5 hours north of the city (Sydney), well, you don't have to go that far for endless beach after endless beach. It's a little out of control, tiresome really;), how many empty beaches can one country have? Unfair, and Australia only has 2 people per sq km or something along those lines...share some with Cali will ya!?!? We found a great campsite that wasn't on the website, thank god, b/c everyone else and their mother was camping that Australia Day weekend. We were expecting that, but we weren't expecting whole campgrounds to be sold out. Luckily we came across this campground that the ranger told us was just finished a couple of years ago and wasn't on the internet yet. Nice, sometimes when you turn down the wrong country dirt road, you get lucky eh?
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